Our Union

CUPE Local 4754:

CUPE Local 4754 represents over 130 employees at the Chinook School Division No. 211. Our members work in departments such as School Based Support, Facility/Maintenance, Transportation and Technological Information Systems.

Local 4754 is affiliated with the Education Workers Steering Committee (EWSC), CUPE Saskatchewan and CUPE National.

Saskatchewan EWSC:

The Saskatchewan Education Workers Steering Committee (EWSC) represents over 7,000 members in over 20 locals across the province. CUPE is the largest union representing education workers in the province. CUPE local unions in the K-12 education sector affiliate to the EWSC to coordinate information-sharing and activities across the education sector.

CUPE Saskatchewan:

CUPE Saskatchewan represents over 30,000 CUPE members across the province. CUPE is the largest union in Saskatchewan. CUPE Sask works at the provincial level for legislative, policy and political change and acts as the political voice for over 100 CUPE locals in the province. CUPE SK’s key sectors include health care, municipalities, libraries, K-12 education, universities, child care, social services & community based organizations and boards & agencies.

CUPE National:

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is Canada’s largest union, with over 700,000 members in over 2,500 locals across the country. CUPE represents workers in health care, emergency services, education, early learning and child care, municipalities, social services, libraries, utilities, transportation, airlines and more. CUPE National has more than 70 offices across the country, with at least one in every province.