Message from a retired member of SSBA

This is a post made today  Dan Danielson. Please share it with people you know who care about our children and our teachers. Thanks.


“As a 16 year trustee for the largest school division in the province and board chair and SSBA provincial executive member who earned a lifetime membership in the Sask. School Boards Association, I call on all trustees to speak up for students, teachers, public education and our economy. Your current strategy, to capitulate at every turn and speak up only for the failed Sask. Party Government cuts to education, is wrong. Stop these petty cat and mouse games that the government initiates and get to the bargaining table to bargain all the issues into a contract that holds all sides to their commitments. I was there in 2009 when this SP government promised to adequately fund education when they took away our authority to set the local property tax mill rate and moved locally collected funds from our local accounts to the provincial treasury to be distributed by their political process. The SP government broke that promise and destroyed their credibility as our students, teachers, public education and our economy have suffered massive underfunding. Remember at election time in our democracy you can replace uncaring trustees and the failed SP government.
Please share this request with anyone who cares about our kids and our teachers.”